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      Since the 1940s, alien beings known as "GRAYS" have been sighted around the globe with the thought that they visit our planet to study our species and civilization before they eventually invade...but what if we're wrong? What if they are only here to protect us? After a meteorite crashes to earth awakening the extraterrestrial creature within, a young woman is abducted by an alien "GRAY" to aid in hunting down and destroying the creature, before it can reach a second meteorite that fell to earth decades earlier, unleashing its deadly infestation of earth.


    • 7.0 HD中字 黑镜:圣诞特别篇 乔恩·哈姆,拉菲·斯波,奥娜·卓别林,娜塔丽·特纳,詹妮特·蒙哥马利,李丹,拉斯穆斯·哈迪克
    • 4.0 HD中字 洞穴客 John Abbott,诺亚·海瑟威,David Comfort,Michael Mancini
    • 2.0 HD中字 黑星球 Brian Narelle,Cal Kuniholm,Dre Pahich,丹·欧班农,Adam Beckenbaugh,约翰·卡朋特,尼克·卡斯特尔,Cookie Knapp,Joe Saunders,Alan Sheretz,Miles Watkins
    • 6.0 HD中字 没有男人的八月末 Jitka Horejsi,Ondrej Jariabek,Vanda Kalinová,Alena Lippertová,Irina Lzicarová
    • 5.0 HD中字 星球大对决 艾莉森·戈尔斯克,艾美·斯托尔特,贾斯汀·波尔蒂,本尼迪克特·塞巴斯蒂安,卢克·法托鲁索,卡伊欧·普利斯,艾丽莎·菲洛拉莫,罗斯·福特,梅森·格里尔,杰里米·M·英曼,凯特·沃森
    • 3.0 HD中字 惑星大战争 宫内洋,平田昭彦,冲雅也,森田健作,浅野优子,池部良


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