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    9.0 HD中字




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      Scientists at a secret underground complex have found a way to travel to another dimension. Three dimension-travellers are the first to go through the gate - but are soon attacked by something that interrupts the communication with Earth. This horrible something uses the gate to travel back to the underground complex. Most of the staff are evacuated, except four heavily-armed militaries and Dr. Casserly and Dr. Summerfield who just can't stand each other...


    • 9.0 HD 魔偶奇谭4:邪神军团 戈登·科里,钱德拉·韦斯特
    • 5.0 HD 自杀俱乐部2018 Klariza Clayton ,Kate Lister,Adam Newington
    • 8.0 HD 鬼屋穿梭人 亚当·安特,Richard Blade,盖尔.奥格雷迪,Harold Pruett,金·约翰斯顿·乌尔里希,迈克尔·佐雷克,特蕾茜·林德,迈克尔·迪克,阿尔贝·邦
    • 10.0 HD中字 赌场 林赛·克洛斯,乔·曼特纳,迈克·努斯鲍姆,莉利亚·斯卡瓦,威廉姆·H·梅西
    • 5.0 HD 复仇新娘 凯蒂·勒克莱齐,杰夫·辛,汉娜·巴尔福特,本·加文,Kendra Carelli,尼克·巴拉德,Charles Christopher,Denny Dormody,肯特·法尔考,Heather Horton,Jana Lewis
    • 4.0 1080P 黎明 斯黛西·达什,乔纳森·本内特,特里尔·格鲁布斯,德瓦尼·平,Susan,Slaughter,Ron,Smith,Claire,Engler,Amanda,Day,斯科特·C·罗伊,David,Goryl,Ryan,Kiser,Heather,Wynters,Briana,Caitlin,J.,Spencer,Julie,Rose,Elliott,Graber,William,McMullen,Kyle,Hanus,Jimmy,Redhawk,James


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